- A unified approach is still key to malaria elimination by 2030.
- WHO estimates(1) show there were 10 million malaria cases in the Asia Pacific region(2) in 2022—a 2 million increase from 2021.
- Extreme weather events in Pakistan and diverse programmatic challenges in Papua New Guinea were strong drivers of case increases.
- Bhutan achieved zero indigenous malaria cases for the first time, as did Timor-Leste for the second consecutive year.
Singapore, 1 December 2023 –The World Health Organization’s (WHO) annual WorldMalaria Report 2023 was published yesterday, just ahead of thefirst-ever Health Day at COP28. While Africa continues to endure the highestmalaria burden, WHO estimates show that Asia Pacific experienced a 24% increasein malaria cases within just one year. Pakistan’s climate-related malariaresurgence was the main factor for this high increase.
Commenting on the publication of the latestreport, Dr Sarthak Das, Chief Executive Officer, APLMA said:
“Globally, the world experienced anincrease of five million cases between 2021 and 2022, largely concentrated in justfive countries. Of these five countries, two are from Asia Pacific: Pakistanand Papua New Guinea. While much of Asia Pacific is at the last mile ofelimination, two billion people remain at risk of malaria in our region. Ourwork to end malaria must continue undeterred to strengthen systems in AsiaPacific, particularly for our most vulnerable communities. In addition, climatechange has added a new layer of complexity which means we must redouble ourefforts now.”
For the first time, the 2023 reportincludes a chapter on climate change and malaria, recognizing climate change’sinextricable link to health and well-being. Extreme flooding in Pakistanworsened by climate change led to population displacement and socioeconomicdevastation as well as a five-fold increase in reported malaria cases—from justover 500,000 cases in 2021 to 2.6 million in 2022.
Dr Muhammad Mukhtar, Director, Directorateof Malaria Control, Government of Pakistan said:
“Pakistan experienced a natural disaster asa result of climate change with an 190% increase in rainfall, but it was theaftermath which led to ideal conditions for malaria: large areas of standingwater, 20 million internally displaced people, insufficient bed nets and anover-stretched health system. Malaria must remain a priority even in times ofdisaster, which requires strong emergency planning and efficient distributionof emergency support.”
Mixed Progress
In other parts of Asia Pacific progress wasmixed. In the Western Pacific region, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, andVanuatu are not on target to achieve the WHO’s Global technical strategy(GTS) for malaria(3) targets by 2025. While progress against malaria was madein the Western Pacific since 2000, both cases and deaths resurged between 2021and 2022 by 30% and 37% respectively—with nearly 90% of all cases in theWestern Pacific occurring in Papua New Guinea.
In the Southeast Asia region, despite therecent case increases in Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh and Indonesia, countrieshave made excellent progress against malaria since 2000 and remain on track tomeet GTS Targets.
After near success was thwarted due toCOVID-19 disruptions in 2020, Bhutan and Nepal have moved back on track byachieving zero indigenous cases and zero indigenous malaria deathsrespectively. Timor-Leste maintained zero indigenous malaria cases for thesecond consecutive year, while China and Sri Lanka successfully defended theirmalaria-free statuses. Afghanistan, Cambodia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea,Vanuatu, and Viet Nam once again reported zero indigenous malaria deaths.Malaysia achieved zero human malaria cases for the fifth year, however risingcases of simian malaria (P. knowlesi) remains a serious concern. Amongstthe 11 High Burden to High Impact (HBHI) countries(4), India reported thelargest relative reduction in cases by 30%.
Underscoring the need for a unifiedmulti-stakeholder approach that can transcend borders, on 6-7 June 2024 theGovernment of Papua New Guinea and APLMA will co-host the Asia Pacific Leaders’Summit on Malaria Elimination in Port Moresby. A first for Melanesia, theLeaders’ Summit will engage high-level leadership as well as community voicesacross the Asia Pacific region in multisectoral discussion and collaboration toensure further commitment and engagement towards zero malaria. Through thishigh-level forum and ongoing efforts from partners around the world, we canunite and ensure urgent action is taken to end malaria by 2030.
Notes to editors
(1) All data and estimated cited are from the WorldMalaria Report 2023 unless otherwise noted. More information is available at: WorldMalaria Report 2023.
(2) APLMA unites 22 governments in Asia Pacific—acrossWHO regions Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR), South-East Asia Region (SEAR),and Western Pacific Region (WPR)—who have committed to eliminating malaria inthe region by 2030. APLMA defines Asia Pacific as: Afghanistan, Bangladesh,Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India,Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea,Philippines, Republic of Korea, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste,Vanuatu, Viet Nam.
(3) The Global technical strategy for malaria2016-2030 (GTS) called for reductions in malaria case incidenceand mortality of at least 75% by 2025 compared to a 2015 baseline.
(4) “High Burden to HighImpact” is a country-led response catalysed by WHO and the RBMPartnership as a mechanism to support the 11 highest burden countries to getback on track to achieve the GTS 2025 milestones.
APLMA is an affiliation of Asia and Pacific heads ofgovernment, formed to accelerate progress against malaria and to eliminate itin the region by 2030. APLMA was created by the East Asian Summit (EAS) leadersin 2013 to further strengthen anti-malaria efforts, both to help protecthard-won national gains and, ultimately, to defeat malaria in the regionaltogether. To guide this work, the Asia Pacific Leaders’ Elimination Roadmapsets out the strategic priorities for achieving the 2030 goal. aplma.org
The Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) is anetwork of countries and stakeholders, committed to eliminating malaria in AsiaPacific by 2030. apmen.org
For further information and media enquiries:
Alta Alonzi – APLMA; E: [email protected]
Rachael Teo – GCI Health; E: [email protected]