
Explore our extensive resources for a deeper understanding of our initiatives and their impacts. Dive into our comprehensive policy guides designed to streamline efforts across different regions. Learn more about the intersection of malaria with gender, diversity, equity, and social inclusion (GEDSI), and discover how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced malaria responses. Access a wealth of information that supports our mission to eradicate malaria by navigating to the related pages below‍
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policy guide

To achieve elimination and strengthen health systems as a result, it is essential to consider how we can advance Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and include malaria testing and treatment within UHC schemes across countries and communities.

malaria & gedsi

Involving vulnerable communities through understanding of gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) is essential to eliminating malaria in Asia Pacific by 2030.
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malaria & covid-19

Two years of navigating the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about far-reaching changes to global health and development efforts against our most pressing challenges.
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