
Located in South Asia and a signatory of the APLMA roadmap, India hosted the 7th Asia Pacific Leaders Conclave on Malaria Elimination in 2023.

Currently making up 4.7% of APAC's malaria burden, India’s current priorities involve the adoption of Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP) for near real-time web-based reporting; Curated Social and Behaviour Change and Communication packages for different socio-cultural areas; Implementation of Logistic and Management Information System to track near real-time stock availability; Implementation of Joint Tribal Action Plan for Malaria Elimination; and Scale-up of Private Sector Engagement for malaria case reporting and management.  

By the end of 2022, the country reported 128 districts with zero indigenous cases and 603 districts with API below 1. The most populous country in the world, India’s progress towards its elimination goal while constrained by resources is unique in the region.  

Currently among the countries making up 99% of the Asia Pacific’s malaria burden, India aims to eliminate malaria by 2027.

Indigenous cases
Funding Gap % (Global Fund Cycle '23-'25)
Elimination target: